"CareGiver" is a standup/storytelling show about my struggle to become a father via IVF while caring for my own father as he died of ALS …
… and my family's colossal, enraging fight with the healthcare system to get the man we all loved the most some care, dignity, and respect in his final year.
It sounds pretty brutal, but it's very definitely a comedy. Or like, a sad story with a lot of jokes in it.
I wrote this myself, honing it over a few years, and did all the graphics myself as well.
The show recently ran from December 4th - 8th off-Broadway at the SoHo Playhouse in Manhattan. I’d love to tour it or bring it to other cities, please contact me if that’s something that you can help to make happen!
If you’re a critic or someone that needs to see the hour, I have a less-than-hi-def quality version that I can share privately, but it’s really not for general consumption. Contact me if you need to.
This is an 11-minute story than eventually expanded to become the current show, and should give you a decent taste of what it’s all about.